Turkmen TV

About us

Biz Barada

The State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography was established on October 17, 2011 by a decree of the President of Turkmenistan. The main task of the Committee is to implement the state policy of Turkmenistan in the field of television, radio and film industry.

There are 8 TV channels within the Committee:
  • Arkadag;
  • Altyn Asyr: Turkmenistan;
  • Yashlyk;
  • Miras;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Turkmen Owazy;
  • Ashgabat;
  • Sport.
4 radio channels:
  • Watan;
  • Chartarapdan;
  • Miras;
  • Owaz.

In the prosperous period of our sovereign state, it broadcasts widely to promote the national values of the Turkmen people, to further develop our culture and art;

There are also 4 economic settlements under the State Committee:
  • Oguzhan “Turkmenfilm” Association
  • “Teleradiomerkezi” State Enterprise
  • “Mahabat” advertising company
  • School of production